Hat Size Guide


Choosing the correct hat size is an important part of your Pachacuti hat purchase. You don’t want a hat that is so small it sits high on your head or one that is so large it will fall over your ears. A correctly fitted hat sits lightly on the head yet feels secure to wear. Please see our hat size guide below to find the perfect fit.

Heads come in all shapes and sizes so there is no such thing as an ‘average’ hat size. It is important to us that our customers have confidence that they are ordering a well-fitting hat. The available sizes for Pachacuti Panama styles are indicated clearly in each style. Follow the hat size guide below to find the perfect fit, but don’t worry if you don’t get it right the first time. We offer a free return and exchange policy to ensure you find the correctly fitting hat for your head.


Hat Sizing Scales

Hats size is usually measured in one of three different sizing scales:

  1. British hat sizes are an imperial measurement of the diameter of the head in inches (sizes usually range from 6 1/2 to 8)
  2. North American hats use imperial measurements but are an eighth of an inch larger than British hats for the same sized hat
  3. European/metric hat sizes use the metric sizing standard – a measure of head circumference in centimetres (metric sizes usually range from 52 – 64)

Our range of Panama and felt hats use the European/metric sizing standard. Thus when ordering Panama hats from Pachacuti it is best to give your hat size in centimetres. Please see the conversion chart below to convert from British or North American imperial sizes to metric.

Calculating Your Own Hat Size.

To calculate your European/metric hat size, measure the circumference of your head in centimetres. The best way to do this is to pass a metric tape measure around your head. Alternatively, you can use a piece of string may which you can measure against a ruler or tape measure.


It is important that you take this measurement where a hat would normally sit.

Firstly, position the tape measure or string so that it rests just above the brow at the front of the head, and approximately 1 cm above the top of the ears on each side. Then pull the tape so that is taut but not too tight. Finally, take the measurement.

Hats sizes are measured to the nearest whole centimetre. We therefore advise you to size up to the next centimetre if your head measurement is between whole centimetres.

The way a person wears their hat depends on personal taste, so this suggestion is for guidance purposes only. If you already own a Panama hat, measure around the inside of the hat at the point where the crown meets the brim.